Time Zones and Promo Codes

Hi - I would like to learn how to set the time zone. It has become an issue for our business with timed promo codes.

The last time we used a promo code with a set date I had people complaining they could not purchase
before midnight. It was because the time zone setting isn’t set to our time zone and I don’t know how to change it.

Anyone know how to do this?

Hi Pamela,

As far as I know, the Promo Code criteria is ALWAYS set to Eastern US Time, and that doesn’t change with any of the other settings in the app. :frowning:

So, what I’ve seen people do (in rare circumstances) is set the promo to expire the day AFTER the deadline, and then set a reminder to manually go in at the actual expiration time and update the promo code so it’s no longer valid.

Not ideal, I know. But you aren’t missing anything.

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Thanks Greg :blush: