Changing Infusionsoft's User Interface

I am having difficulty getting my staff to use Infusionsoft because of the entry screens. Especially in Opportunities, there are so many things we don’t use. Throughout there are fields we’d like to hide, make better use of the white space, etc. Is there anything that can be done here?


Hmmmm…you might consider chatting the team over at Macanta. Reach out to Peter Daly-Dickson and I’m sure he’d be happy to do a demo for you.

Thanks @Greg_Jenkins.

Hey @Kathy_Anton. Greg’s right - we built macanta for precisely this reason.

You can get a two week free trial at

Any questions, the green Intercom widget in the bottom right-hand corner [of macanta] is your friend :wink:

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Hi @Kathy_Anton,

Another alternative is XtendIn (, which is a Google Chrome Extension that can alter Infusionsoft Interface with different features. There is some features for the Opportunities section, but I see you have particular requirements which would need to be developed.

If you want to know more, just drop me a message.


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Are there other alternatives besides XTendIn and Macanta?

As far as I know Macanta and XtendIn are the only two products that are designed to work on the Interface (Front End) side of things.

Not sure if Peter (@peterdalydickson) knows any other alternatives.