Zapier is triggering when no Infusionsoft tag is being applied

I have Zapier set up to send a Slack notification when a client purchases a product via Infusionsoft tags. However, I had a few Zaps trigger when the tag was not being applied. For instance, a contact record got a product purchased tag back in May 2017, however, a Zap notification was triggered on 8/21/17 for this same contact record.

I have contact Zapier support and it doesn’t look like it’s anything on their end they can find to resolve this misfire of Zaps via Infusionsoft tags.

Any solutions to this?

Probably need a bit more information. Are you using Zapier to poll for information or are you posting information out to Zapier. If a poll then what is the Zapier setup for that. If posting, then what does the IS campaign look like?

I’m using Zapier to post information to Slack. Basically, the campaign is when a contact purchases a product, they get an “Initial Investment” tag. This tag then triggers a Slack notification via Zapier.

The first thing I might do is to check my assumptions against history. So if my assumption is that these should not be firing, then I first want to know if they are actually being triggered by normal (though unseen) processes or by some underlying problem. To that end, I would start with the tag application report and look for when that contact received the tag needed to place them into the campaign. The goal completion report can also help with this in the event something other than a tag is involved in starting actions. I would also be checking the interactive view under problem contacts to view their campaign history as it relates to what has happened. Again, to compare what I think should have happened with what actually did happen.