What is the purpose of infusion soft ? I am new here

I am new here … What is the use of infusion soft
Can we send a Email here ?
What Are the API Responsibility?
I don’t need to download any lib
I need only curl responses

Advance Thanks

If you’re a developer, or have one who works with you, I’d recommend reading the first three sections of our REST API documentation. That’ll give you a good overview of how you should make requests to that API.

After that, have a look at the left-hand navigation of our REST API documentation to get an idea of what resources are available to you.

As you browse through the resources, be sure to expand the samples on the right (you’ll need to click Show samples).

If you’ve signed up for a developer account, you may find it useful to try out the API through the documentation. Look for the Try The API button and Try buttons, throughout.

Thank You :slight_smile: