Webform: drop down menu?

Is it possible to put a dropdown menu in a webform? I think not, but hoping I have missed something. Thanks in advance.

You will need to create a custom fields, type: dropdown. Once you have configured your custom field, and saved it. You will be able to drag the ‘Other’ field snippet into your webform, and your custom drop-down field will be available in the field list.

You also have the ability to create custom fields ‘on-the-fly’ with the ‘Other’ snippet, in the webform builder. It is the bottom selection in the field selector drop-down. Just be sure you set your field type to ‘drop-down’ when creating it.

Hey, @Tracey_Bode.

You can certainly add a drop-down. You’ll need to create a custom field and then add it to the web form

  1. Create the Custom Field
  2. When creating the web form, select “Other” under Field Snippets


  1. Add the drop-down field that you created in step 1.


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Thank you Martin. That’s great!


Hi @martinc when following the instructions admin -setting I can’t seem to find record type

The record type should default to “contact”. So typically you don’t have to worry about it.
