Using inf_contact_key

I’d like to know the contact’s details (ContactID preferred) that clicked any link to our website from an email that’s sent from IS. I see that inf_contact_key is always appended to URLs, however I’m not sure if this is useful outside of IS forms and landing pages. Is there any way of appending ‘ContactID=~Contact.Id~’ to all links without doing it manually for all links or use inf_contact_key to get the contact’s ID?


Then add to the end of the link ?contactId=~Contact.Id~

keep case in mind

Is there any way to add this to all links without manually editing all of them, much like inf_contact_key is?

Or Is there any way to get this info from inf_contact_key - is this some sort of encoded ID?

Using campaign merge fields (not the same as your contact merge fields) you can keep from having to repeat the action and only have to change it in one place should you ever need to, and all the links would change with it. But if you’re asking is there a setting that will tell IS to append contactId=~Contact.Id~ (or any equivalent to it) then no, there isn’t something to make that happen without manually placing it at the end as described.

Thank you!