Test emails not sending

Ready to send an email broadcast out to clients and I always send a test email to myself first. I’ve sent about 3 to myself and none have come through to me via Outlook. Normally they come to me within seconds. Anyone else having this issue? Thanks!

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me too. All the Landing page forms don’t work. No mail sent

We experienced the same issue in our app a few months ago. As well as test emails not being delivered, broadcast and campaign emails weren’t going out. Infusionsoft support had to “reload” our application. Something to do with the timers that trigger the delivery of emails had gotten frozen or had crashed and reloading fixed that. But all the emails that hadn’t gone out were delivered all at once. That wasn’t ideal but it seems like there was no way around that.

Me too. My leads doesn’t receive auto-reply after hitting the register button. Please help me solve the problem. Thank you