SMS and call integration

It´s posible to send sms message to a lead, 15 min before of a schedule call ?

There is a way to record the calls ?

Hey Jorge,

Simplii currently has an integrated product with Infusionsoft that provides a whole office solution for Voice, Dialers, and SMS. We have automatic call recording and texting with logging inside of your CRM. We are currently developing a timed SMS/MMS option and will have it ready here shortly, as for now we do have the ability to auto respond. Shoot me an email or call if you have any questions about our product that I can answer for you. 801-449-9829

  • Melissa

Very cool and interesting, can we talk by phone and share a video of the back end ?

Jorge Luis Santibañez
Gerente Comercial

Lima Retail
Work: 987 759 829

Hey Jorge:

The text could be send multiple ways (integrations required), you would just trigger the 3rd party to send the SMS 15 minutes prior to the time in your field.

Another dialing/SMS solution is TurboDial. I use this myself and really like the functionality and features they have built (I’ll also check out Simplii, as I work with a lot of Infusionsoft clients and like to know about the tools available.).



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