Rest API Send Template Email

Is there a way to send a template email via the rest api? Currently, I am using the rest api endpoint and sending my requests with the X-Keap-API-Key header.

@TomScott can provide the definite answer here.

From what I am seeing, the REST v1 API does not have a Send Template Email function.

But, the original XML-RPC API does:

Can I still make those requests using the X-Keap-API-Key header with a personal access token? It also doesn’t like there are any parameters to fill in the merge fields in the template.

@Wil_Stephens, I have not tried the Personal Access Token with the XML-RPC API.

If you read the information at the top of the XML-RPC documentation you can use OAuth with it.

A solution to your Merge Fields question would be to Retrieve the Email Template Contents, fill in the Merge Fields to your needs, and then use the Send Email API function with the updated Contents.

You can use the PAT or SAK against the XMLRPC API by routing your requests through .

If you wish to parameterize emails, you can retrieve and manipulate the template yourself, then send the result via the REST Send Email endpoint .