Rating Upcoming Features

What’s the best way to send existing customers a poll, asking them to rate (insert a priority number) a list of features that are in the queue to be built for them?

The idea is to list each feature, with a brief overview how it works, and then have customer assign a value. If 6 features are listed, customer would choose the order of priority by inserting 1 for top, 2 as second most important, and so on.

If you have the legacy landing page goal in the campaign builder, you could build it there.


You just need to create 6 custom fields - drop-downs make the most sense. Something like this

If you want to get fancy, you could get something like survey gizmo and make a really nice survey that allows ranking by dragging objects in their preferred order. But, you would need a survey monkey/gizmo account and probably zapier or parsey to sync the survey results to your app.


Thank you Martin.


Howard Morrison
VP Sales & Marketing
Mobile toll free: (877) 866-3800
CA Office: (951)404-7778
howard@bottlenose-wine.com mailto:howard@bottlenose-wine.com
www.bottlenose.wine http://www.bottlenose.wine/