Manage affiliate payments

For commissions paid on an order. we can use:
and can then pull the amount earned, sales_affiliate_id and other salient information. This is enough information to pay the affiliate with our accounting software. However we need to mark the affiliate as paid somehow. I anticipate to do this we would need the transaction id of the commission piece as well so we can come back and mark it as paid.


I have tried to use the xml affCommissions response is ok (200) but returns no information for an affiliate:

faultCode 0 faultString No method matching arguments: java.lang.String, java.lang.Integer, java.lang.String, java.lang.String

What is this fault code indicating?

Hi @Matt_Lee I don’t believe we have a way mark the affiliate ledger as paid via the API. There may be a way to use the DataService to update that table as long as it is not read-only. As far as the error you are seeing on affCommissions, it looks like you are providing an incorrect order or number of arguments or params

Here is what the call expects

<?xml version='1.0' encoding='UTF-8'?>

where the value of dateTime.iso8601 is something like 20080908T00:00:00

How about paying the affiliate? Just clarifying that this is what I mean by marking as paid.

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Hey @Matt_Lee, I believe the paying of affiliates was intentionally left out. This is due to the fact that there should not be external updates to those payments mainly for data integrity. The only way I know of to payout an affiliate is to “Create a payment” by running the “Referral Partner Ledgers” report.

hi, once you create a payment can you pay them though infusion soft?

Edit: Whoops, ignore me, I need more caffeine before I start answering questions in the morning! :smiley:

I think they are referring to paying out an affiliate that is owed commission not recording a payment on an invoice. If that is the case you can’t currently do that through the API that I know of.