How to locate email configuration for Order Details confirmation Email

I am new to infusionsoft and need to figure out where to locate a configuration for an email that is sent to us when an order is made. The email is currently going to an ex-employee and we need to locate this asap. Any help is appreciated.

The email is sent when an order is submitted. Not sure if this is a custom subject, but the subject in our email is: “Online Shopping Cart Order”.

It is sent from “” so I know it is system generated.

Thank you all.

Hi @Haroun_A. I am going to send you a DM to get a little more information on this. I want to hop in and take a look. If you can check your Direct Messages in just a moment, I will have a question for you. :slight_smile: Thanks.

Thank you James, I just figured it out. I appreciate you reaching out.
Thank you

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Oh perfect. Was it an old email address sitting in a notification setting?

Yeah it was an old email address used in the E-commerce shopping cart settings.

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