Google Analytics - Set up 'Email' as a Source field

Hey everyone. We’re having some trouble getting Google Analytics to define InfusionSoft traffic as ‘Email’ traffic in the Source field. Here’s where we want it (if you can’t see the pic, it’s showing Acquisition > Overview in Google Analytics):

I’ve talked with Keap’s customer support and they recommended using a UTM tracking code on any link back to the website within our emails – however we implemented that and it hasn’t worked yet. The data is getting read as ‘Referral’ instead of as ‘Email’.

Does anyone have a solution to this? There has to be a way to set this up, both softwares are so standard I would be surprised if there is no solution.

@Stefan_Schulz, could paste a sample link?

Is the image showing your list of channels or list of sources?

To set email as a channel, you have to set utm_medium=email. If you want source, you need to set utm_source=email

Here’s a free guide that will show you how to set this up: