Establishing a referrer ID

A long time ago, I set up a link titled, “please add me as an affiliate” I seem to remember it set up a contact, then added them as a referrer, then sent back an email with their referrer ID.
Does anyone have a sequence, instructions, or an example of how to do that? IS tech support said it’s not possible…
Thanks, Darwin

Pretty sure you just need to use the merge code for it:


Thanks John.

Definitely the right direction. I’ll look into it.


Dr. Darwin Perkins
Business Wellness/User Adoption/Change Management
Mobile +1.602.751.7401

Text me anytime at 602.751.7401

So, after a little searching, I found a tutorial from IS on this exact subject.
IF you need something similar, go to the support/help section and just search for referrer. There are several very useful tutorials.
One deals specifically with creating a referrer signup campaign, then providing them access to the referrer site. It might be nice to call them partners or JV’s, that was part of my problem. I didn’t search correctly to start with.

Thanks for the info, @Darwin_Perkins. I reindexed the help center with new synonyms for “referrer”

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Thanks, that will make it much easier. Unexpected, but very nice.


Dr. Darwin Perkins
Business Wellness/User Adoption/Change Management
Mobile +1.602.751.7401

Text me anytime at 602.751.7401