Error request new token via Refresh token

Hi Donna_Galassi,

Below are some details around using the refresh token request. Can you verify these are the values within your Postman?

grant_type: refresh_token
refresh_token: [your token]

Authorization: Basic
Contact-Type: application/x-www-form-urlencoded

I took a look at my own Postman and saw that if you use their “Authorizaiton” and select the type as Basic Auth, they have you provide a username and pass in separate fields. Providing your client_id and secret in these fields will not work… I suggest manually creating the header yourself from their Headers tab. Create the key as “Authorization” and the value as “Basic [base64 encoded client_id:client_secret]”

Regarding the authorization value… ensure you are first combining your client_id and client_secret with a colon between the two, and then base64 encoding that whole string. Lastly, append the encoded string onto the end of “Basic " (space between Basic and encoded stuff”. The word Basic and space should not have been encoded.

I hope this helps get you back in action!
