Contact does not achieve goal

What happens to contacts that enter a sequence but never complete the goal?
The sequence I created prompts a contact to fill out a webform. After the webform is submitted, the contact moves to the next sequence. Will contacts that did not fill out the form move forward?

@Christy_Buboltz It all depends of how the Campaign is built. Can you post a screenshot of it?

Does it look kinda like this?

It looks exactly like that

No, the contact will not move forward.

Basically, if the campaign sends an email with a link to complete the web form and the person never fills out the form, the person will just “sit” in the 1st sequence until they fill out the webform. They won’t get to the 2nd sequence if they don’t fill out the form.

See the image below. The process #1 functions exactly the same as the process #2.
The contact will just “sit” in the “Email with Web Form link” process. The only difference is in the Reporting.

So, the Reporting will show say 10 were sent the email, 9 completed the email and were sent another email. In the reporting this will show everything all tied together so you can easily see the process.

Where is in process #2 the reporting won’t show the whole process as clearly.

Let me know if that made any sense or not.

Thank you, it makes sense!