Can Keap Max Classic Dynamically import HTML and Send As an Email?

We have a series of Emails that are already created in HTML. These reside on our Website & are an A/R Sequence. Is there functionality that Keap Max Classic uses that can bring that content into KMC and send this out to various lists? Can we dynamically import this into Keap Max Classic?

If this isn’t native, are there any vendors that specialize in this?

Here is an example URL:


There is no ‘import’ process for this.

If your KMC system is old enough, you may have access to the old HTML email Templates that were in the system. if that is the case, you can paste HTML into the back-end of those and use those emails in your campaigns. If you have a newer KMC system, those are not available for use.

The biggest downside to those is that they were not natively responsive, so they don’t look great on mobile devices.

You have my info … let me know if you want help with that.
