Campaign Order - Send a receipt

I recently set up a campaign where a tag kicks off a sequence with an order that is auto charged to the client. The autocharge is working great! However, there is no receipt generated and sent to the client for the auto charged order.

I have receipts set up under “E-Commerce > Settings > Orders & Quotes > Receipts” but upon testing it there is no receipt sent to the client to notify them of the campaign order charge.

Am I missing something or a step in order to generate a receipt?


There is also a place under E-Commerce Setup (not settings) then under Payment/Receipts (to the lower left)

Thanks John! Yep, receipts are set up there as well. In fact, the receipt template in E-commerce → Setup → Receipts are the receipts that are automatically sent with and order form orders or shopping cart orders.

It is just the campaign orders where a receipt doesn’t appear to be generated. I can’t find the specific settings to create/send a receipt when a campaign order is processed.

As far as I know then, it should be. You might have to get with support on this one so they can take a look for you.

Ah! I found the solution. Ecommerce → Setup → Order Settings → Orders. There is one line that asks “email receipts/invoices upon successful payment” yes/no.

I switched this to “yes” and the receipt template I built in “E-Commerce > Settings > Orders & Quotes > Receipts” was sent after a campaign order was paid.

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