Abandoned order form

I would like to ask how i can set up a campaign for an abandoned infusionsoft order form?
I have checked the marketplace and i found one campaign with the name Turn Abandoned Carts into Sales which is starts from the tag Visited Product A Order Form but i don’t understand how i can apply a tag for an order form?
Any advises?
or may be someone do the abandoned order form in another way?
Looking forward to hearing from you

In Infusionsoft this would be easier as they still have legacy automation links and tags can be raised on order forms by embedding them…however, in this case it might be necessary to use an endpoint to raise the tag…this means either a small amount of code you host that would raise a tag on the contact when they land on the order form or possibly it could be done with zapier.

Hello John,
thanks for your reply
as i understand i need to add a code that would raise a tag on a contact in the HTML areas of each order forms?

Yeah, in IS that could be done with an automation link but Keap doesn’t have them. So either Zapier or a custom endpoint that does that would work in it’s place. You can implement that even with an image pixel (an image tag that is 1px by 1px and set to hidden) since the img tag will trigger the src parameter when the page is loaded…there are other methods for doing so with the tag etc so whatever method is fine but you’ll need an endpoint, one way or the other, that will trigger the raising of the tag on the contact.

It also depends on how people are getting to the order form.

if for example you are sending them an email with a click link to the form, then you can ‘start a timer’ on a cart abandon that way as well

Hello Andy,
thank you for your feedback
i’m looking for some ideas for tracking new leads, not for contacts in my list sending an email

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John., may be you can advise me an article o a video tutorial about it (if you know)?


Zapier doesn’t really have anything this specific in terms of tutorials and I’m not even certain it can do it (though Zapier has a lot of functionality so it’s possible).

As to a coded solution, you’d need a programmer to handle that because it’s something that takes more understanding than a simple video/tutorial would be able to teach you to do.