973 attempts on one credit card in 15 minutes

I really wanted to ask this in private so as not to put it out in public view but you guys don’t have all the support you used to have before covid-19 and I don’t know how to escalate this quickly. There’s clearly a bug or some kind of security issue with the system. In 15 minutes, one card retry was done 973 times, each time for the amount of $13,631.82, total of $13,262,760.86, yes, over $13 million. Fortunately the bank only allowed one (1) of these to process and the rest were rejected, eventually flagging a merchant fraud error to which we were notified. There is no one to reach with Keap. How do we get attention for such an urgent issue? Even during these times, you need to have some way for us to contact you for urgent issues. Hopefully a public post will catch someone’s attention and you can contact us.